Master Chemistry and Life sciences

  • Target level

    Master degree level

  • Component

    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

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Environmental protection and sustainable development have become societal major issues. It is now also acknowledged that we must take advantage of our expertise in physico-chemistry and microbiology to identify, assess and manage the anthropogenic contamination of air, water, soils and waste. This program trains multidisciplinary researchers who will be able to offer and implement solutions to solve environmental problems.

The Chemistry and Life Sciences program aims at training specialists who are able to analyze, manage and process environmental issues. The program offers common core courses which train students in both Chemistry and Life sciences as related to the environment.

The Chemistry and Life Sciences program trains managers in the field of environment. Job prospects are the following:

  • Research engineer
  • Environmental engineer
  • Research and Innovation engineer

The Chemistry and Life Sciences is a 2-year course. It offers 4 “tracks/paths”.  All courses of the second year of the CMCEI and BME (or MBEM) tracks are taught in English. The CMCEI track is opened only for the second year.






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M2 Chemical and microbiological characterization for environmental issues

Apply here from October to March

Strongly increasing societal demand in the fields of Environment, Sustainable Development, and Health, implies a synergy of advanced skills in Chemistry and Biology Sciences. To be able to effectively respond to this demand and to implement innovative solutions providing efficient answers to these requests, it is essential to perfectly understand the interaction of contaminants with living organisms and particularly their structures, properties, reactivities/activities in natural ecosystems.

The “Chemical and Microbiological Characterization for Environmental Issues” (CMCEI) second-year course of the Master in Chemistry and Life Sciences aims to train specialists with knowledge of the most recent advances in analytical chemistry, physics-chemistry, molecular biology, and environmental microbiology.

Visit the full page about this program

M2 Molecular Biology and Environmental Microbiology

Increasingly strong societal demand in the fields of the Environment, sustainable development, and health now call for a synergy of cutting-edge skills involving Chemical and Biological Sciences.

Apply here from October to March

The Master's degree in Molecular biology and Environmental Microbiology trains specialists with a mastery of modern molecular biology and environmental microbiology, with a solid background in chemistry, capable of grasping environmental issues related to:

  • The protection of ecosystems,
  • The ecotoxicology of soils, sediments, and water,
  • The identification of microorganisms representing a risk to the environment or public health,
  • The bio-rehabilitation of sites affected by anthropogenic (industrial and agricultural) pollution.

The Molecular Biology and Environmental Microbiology Master's degree is at the heart of this technological and socioeconomic evolution. At a meeting point between the professional world and the University in a region that is home to large-scale facilities of several industrial companies concerned by bio-decontamination(Total, Arkema, chemical industries at the Lacq site) and strong agricultural activity.

Biological methods developed for the remediation of contaminated sites, the treatment of effluents, the control of the use of phytosanitary products, or the search for pathogens in natural waters and cooling or water distribution systems are increasingly in demand and proposed as necessary alternatives for sustainable improvement of environmental problems.

The implementation of these methods as well as the development of molecular analysis tools and techniques (quantitative PCR, DNA chips, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, microbial biosensors, GMOs, and protein engineering) is one of the challenges for industrial and environmental policies in the coming years.

An orientation toward research may be envisaged, depending on the choice of options and especially internships.

Visit the full page about this program

GREEN Graduate Program - Environmental analytical chemistry and microbiology (EACM)

In 2022, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour opened a 5-year Master’s degree + PhD program of excellence in a variety of disciplines linked to energy and environmental research, the Graduate School for Energy and Environmental Innovation (GREEN).

Every student accepted into the program will be offered a €5,000 stipend per year for the first two years.

Apply here from October to March

N.B. Our Master's programs may not open if enrollment is too low.

Visit the full page about this program

By Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)


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