The University cares about the future of its students

Strongly rooted in its territory and resolutely open to the socio-economic world, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) has long been attentive to the future of its students. Whether at the end of the Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctorate, DUT or engineering degree, the employability of its graduates is remarkably high.
Clément Bleuet is a student at the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Technologies Industrielles" (ENSGTI), one of UPPA's two engineering schools. He has student-entrepreneur status and is the bearer of an ambitious waste management project called "Trognon". For the past two years, he has been benefiting from the entrepreneurship support program set up by the university.
"We provide all students who wish to do so with a set of free, tailor-made services to help them develop their ideas and mature their projects", says Jean-François Belmonte, head of entrepreneurship at UPPA. ''L’EntrePau'', the student incubator located in the heart of the Hélioparc technology park in Pau, is the flagship. Like Clément Bleuet, about twenty students from Pau, Bayonne, Anglet, Tarbes or Mont-de-Marsan are followed each year by the university. The proportion of students enrolled in an entrepreneurial initiative is admittedly small, but it nonetheless reflects a fundamental trend. The university is not content to simply train well-trained minds, it also helps students to project themselves into the future.
A personalized accompaniment
"We support our students from the Bachelor's level onwards, helping them to find their way and build their professional project," says Frédéric Tesson, UPPA vice-president in charge of the Training and University Life Commission (CFVU). The university relies in particular on the University Orientation and Professional Integration Service (SCUIO-IP), which provides information on courses and professions and offers the support of specialists to help students prepare their CVs and cover letters, find internships and find job offers. The SCUIO-IP also organizes visits to companies, provides guidance to the professional world, and organizes events on careers for Master's students. This is an effective strategy given the very good results of the surveys conducted by the institution's observatory (ODE) on the future of students. The latest study conducted on the class of 2016 shows that 94% of professional degree graduates, 89% of Master's graduates, 94% of PhD students and 96% of engineers are now working.
Training linked to the professions
Figures of the professional integration of the students of the UPPA class of 2016 - Surveys conducted by the UPPA Student Observatory (ODE)
- ODE :
Free access: professional integration rate by field of study, testimonials, alumni directory, list of internships completed... - UPPA Career Center :
Offers companies the possibility of communicating directly with UPPA students: distribution of internship, work-study and job offers
scuio-ip @ - Campus Pau :
Presidence building, Pau
Tél. : +335 59 40 70 90 - Campus Côte Basque :
Maison de l’étudiant, 77 rue Bourgneuf, Bayonne
Tél. : +335 59 57 41 61