France RelanceEnergy renovation

The University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour is the winner of the France Relance call for projects for the renovation of public buildings in favour of the energy transition.
3.16 million for 9 energy rehabilitation projects.
Energy rehabilitation of the B wing of CHÂTEAU NEUF
- Campus : Bayonne
- Building listed as a historical monument
- Building surface area: 1,671 m².
- Amount of the project: 233 696 €.
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 33.2 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emissions: 11 428 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 29/10/2021
Energy saving actions
- Replacement of the non-watertight external joinery of the B wing with structures that comply with both thermal regulations and DRAC requirements.
- Replace the existing and obsolete gas boilers with more efficient condensing boilers (transfer of existing equipment to the CANOE building in Pau following connection to the urban heating network).
- Replace the regulation and supervision of the heating/ventilation installations.
Energy refurbishment of building B of the STEE college
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area: 6,539 sqm
- Amount of the project : 488,105 €.
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 28,5 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emission : 49 292 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 30/09/2021
Energy saving actions
- Completing the replacement of the existing single-glazed external joinery dating from 1965.
- Recovering fatal energy from the mechanical air extraction system in the Chemistry laboratory area.
- Installation of sunshades on the west facade of building B due to overheating problems.
- Replacement of the lighting in lecture theatres A/B/C/D in building A.
Energy renovation of the student life building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area : 1 872 m²
- Amount of the project : 356 275 € (in euros)
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 37,4 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emissions : 14 429 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated end of works: 30/06/2022
Energy saving actions
- Thermal insulation of the floor (part of the building not renovated)
- Thermal insulation of the facades of the "book tower" from the outside
- Installation of a centralized technical management system and replacement of the automatic controllers
Connection of the Maison des Étudiants (MDE) to the urban heating network
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area : 896 m² (8,560 sq.ft.)
- Project value: €68,724
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: not applicable (building currently heated with electricity)
- GHG emission : 35 759 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 29/11/2021
Energy saving actions
- Removal of energy-intensive electrical equipment.
- Deployment of a hot water distribution network and static radiator type terminals.
- Connection to the 80 kW heat exchanger already in place on a provisional basis.
- Installation of an automatic control system and thermostatic valves on the radiators.
Energy rehabilitation of the D'ALEMBERT building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area: 4,457 m²
- Amount of the project : 769 376
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 16,7 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emission : 32 682 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 01/04/2022
Energy saving actions
- Installation of thermo-photovoltaic panels on the south stairwell of the D'Alembert building and installation of a micro-wind turbine on the roof
- Installation of sunbreakers on the façade of the D'Alembert building to limit overheating of the building: 84% reduction in the rate of discomfort in summer.
Energy rehabilitation of the IPRA building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area: 2,959 m² (2,000 sq ft)
- Amount of the project : 964 940
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 109,0 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emissions: 76 502 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 01/04/2023
Energy saving actions
- Replacement of existing external joinery (single glazing or very inefficient double glazing from the 1980s) with double glazed aluminium joinery.
- Insulation of the lost attic space under the roof.
- The replacement of fluorescent lighting with LED technology and communicating products.
- The installation of thermostatic taps.
- The installation of a centralized technical management system and the replacement of the automatic controllers.
Replacement of light fittings in the lecture theatres of the DROIT building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area : 9 912 m² (9,912 sq.ft.)
- Amount of the project : 139,130
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 0.6 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emission : 273 989 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 01/04/2022
Energy saving actions
- Replacement of "fluorescent" lighting in the 4 amphitheatres of the DROIT building (Amphi 150 / Amphi 300 / Amphi 400 / Amphi 600) with LED lighting.
Replacement of the light fittings in the lecture theatres of the LETTRES building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area: 8,711 sqm
- Amount of the project: 79 212 € (in euros)
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 0.4 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emission : 273 934 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated completion: 01/04/2022
Energy saving actions
- Replacement of "fluorescent" lighting in the 4 amphitheatres of the LETTRES building (Amphitheatre 1/Amphitheatre 2/Amphitheatre 3) with LED lighting.
Energy rehabilitation of the FERRY building
- Campus : Pau
- Building surface area : 779 m²
- Amount of the project : 67 483
- Environmental performance of the project :
- Final energy: 1,4 kWhEF/m²/year
- GHG emission : 225 kg.eqC02/year
- Estimated end of works: 01/04/2022
Energy saving actions
- Insulation and re-roofing of the Ferry building