
UPPA takes the lead in Peru: creation of a Franco-Peruvian doctoral school

UPPA, or more precisely the doctoral school for exact science (ED 211), will be the bridgehead for a Franco-Peruvian doctoral school in “Engineering Sciences and Geosciences”, speciality “Energy and environment”. The French embassy in Peru, the Institute for Research and Development (IRD), CONCYTEC (Peruvian research agency), the University of Pontifica in Peru and the National University of Cuzco (PUCP) are the other partners in this doctoral school whose objective is to finance at least five postdoctoral students each year – with co-tutoring –  in the abovementioned fields of energy and environment.

This initiative responds to very strong demand in Peru where prospecting for – and production from – oil reserves and mining industry depollution are very important issues for the whole of society.

The convention formalising the creation of this doctoral school was signed, on the 23rd February 2016, by the chancellor of UPPA, Mohamed Amara, in the presence of the chairman of the IRD, the French ambassador, and the chancellor of the PUCP, during the Franco-Peruvian university forum, an event organised in honour of French President François Hollande’s visit to Peru. 

The representatives of the PUCP and Mohamed Amara, chancellor of UPPA (next to last on the right)



Contact: Anna Chrostowska, anna.chrostowska @ univ-pau.fr