Signature of a Cooperative Framework Agreement between Transport et Infrastructures Gaz France (TIGF), and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)

On 2nd March 2016 at 16h30, TIGF, the second biggest company transporting and storing natural gas in France, and UPPA strengthened and structured their links through the signature of a Cooperative Framework Agreement in UPPA Chancellor’s office in Pau.
TIGF and UPPA have developed major, strategic lines of research and development, particularly in relation to risk prevention and the integrity of installations. TIGF wishes to develop a skill centre in the fields of gas transport and storage.
The physical proximity of UPPA campus and TIGF’s industrial site is an advantage, facilitating exchanges and the development of research projects.
TIGF is also working on more fundamental research projects linked to the energy transition in terms of the emergence of new, renewable sources of gas. Since 2005 TIGF has been working with research teams at UPPA to develop research programmes – in some cases run by the Carnot Institute ISIFoR – with different laboratories for the scientific and technical aspects: the Laboratory for Complex Fluids and their Reservoirs (LFC-R, UMR 5150), the lnstitute for Analytical Science and Physical chemistry for the Environment and Materials (IPREM, UMR 5254), the Laboratory for Heat, Energy and Process Science (LaTEP, EA 1932) but also with the Pau Public Law Centre (PDP, EA 1926) on the theme of the right to energy.
It should also be underlined that TIGF is involved in training and hosting block release and placement students from different departments of UPPA and in particular:
- the engineering schools:
- ENSGTI: the Higher National School for Industrial Technology Engineering, which works particularly in the fields of energetics and process engineering,
- ISABTP: the Aquitaine Higher Regional Institute for Construction and Civil Engineering, an engineering school specialising in civil and maritime engineering, housing & energy and building,
- the Pau/Bayonne Institute for Business Management,
- the Adour Region University Institute of Technology,
- the Pau Sciences and Techniques Faculty.
Contact: Bernard Le Page, communication department, TIGF, bernard.le-page @