Contacting the emergency services

Contacting the emergency services

Pau Campus: Security Centre

For any emergency, health, safety or public order problem between 7.30 am and 8 pm from Monday to Friday and between 7.30 am and 12.45 pm on Saturday, contact the security centre by dialling +336.59.011.011 or 13 (from a UPPA landline).

Outside these times, contact directly the public emergency services (15 SAMU, 18 firemen, 17 police).

Download the file "pcSecurite.pdf" (656.5 KB)

Anglet, Bayonne, Mont-de-Marsan, Tarbes and Pau campuses (off campus)

First contact the emergency services, dial :

  • 15 for the SAMU,
  • 17 for the police,
  • 18 for the fire brigade.

Specify :

  • your name,
  • the exact location,
  • the nature and importance of the event.

Follow the caller's instructions and do not hang up without being prompted.


29 defibrillators installed on campuses

Here is the distribution and location of these automated external defibrillators (AEDs) by campus:

7 on the Bayonne campus

  • BU de la Nive campus
  • Floride" sports hall
  • EC9
  • EC3 bis
  • EC6
  • Château Neuf
  • Sainte Claire

Locate these AEDs on the map of the Bayonne campus


3 on the Anglet campus

  • STEE college building - Montaury campus
  • IUT

Locate these AEDs on the map of the Anglet campus


2 on the Mont-de-Marsan campus

  • IUT Biological Engineering

Locate these AEDs on the map of the Mont de Marsan campus


2 on the Tarbes campus

  • STAPS Department (Administration)
  • Sports Hall

Locate these AEDs on the map of the Tarbes campus


15 on the Pau campus

  • Sports hall
  • Presidency building
  • Main college buildings (Lettres-Droit-Sciences A and B)
  • IPREM 
  • D'Alembert building
  • BU Droit-Lettres
  • Palassou building
  • Duboué building
  • B2 Sciences building
  • Student life office
  • Student House
  • Ferry building

Locate these DAEs on the map of the Pau campus