Talents’ Academy 2023-2024: Honoring the Excellence of Master’s Students
7 Dec 2023

The laureates of UPPA’s Académie des Talents 2023-2024, currently enrolled in Master’s programs (year 1 or 2), were honored on Thursday December 7, 2023 on the Pau campus. This class is made up of 16 students from the GREEN Graduate School for Energy and Environmental Innovation and 6 students from international Master’s programs.
Selected on the basis of academic excellence, the laureates receive a stipend of 5,000 euros spread over the academic year. A leaflet of their CVs is also published for companies. During the ceremony, the course directors presented the background and strengths of each student.
Download the leaflet of resumes (PDF 2,83 Mo)
Isabelle Moretti, associate professor at UPPA (Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs), international specialist in natural hydrogen and member of the Académie des technologies, is the patron of this year’s class. For the occasion, she gave a lecture on recent transformations in the world of energy, urging students to take up the challenge of energy and environmental transitions.
Training researchers for energy and environmental innovation
The Graduate school for Energy and Environmental Innovation (GREEN) at the University of Pau and des Pays de l’Adour, which opened its doors last year, aims to train enlightened researchers on energy and environmental issues who will be able to propose innovative solutions to society.
Like the other graduate schools created in France since 2017, GREEN implements five-year programs of excellence combining a Master’s degree and a PhD. The students selected for the Master’s program all receive a stipend of 5,000 euros for the year, enabling them to devote themselves to their studies. Courses are taught in English.
It supports the 5 interdisciplinary missions directly linked to major societal challenges identified by UPPA:
- Organizing energy subsidiarity on a regional scale;
- Reconciling development, a secure environment and preserved biodiversity;
- Representing and building the territories of the future;
- Adapting coastal, forest and mountain ecosystems to make them more resilient;
- Questioning borders and rising to the challenge of differences.
Find out more about the UPPA GREEN Graduate School
This program is supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir n°3 / France 2030 investment government program (ref. ANR-21-SFRI-0003).