Langage Café, Aquiu bar - Café MundusCome, speak and discover languages - Pau, Passage Carnot
25 May 2023 de 18h00 at 21h00

Want to speak or discover languages?
Come to AQUIU, a bar and grocery store, on Thursday, May 25, from 6pm to 9pm in the passage Carnot (downtown Pau), to speak English, Spanish, German, etc. with native speakers. You will also be able to discover unusual languages and learn about intercomprehension. All are welcome!
Where ? AQUIU Bar, 28 Rue Carnot, 64000 Pau
When ? May 25, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where ? Participation is free and open to all!
Contact : unita @