Fighting against harassment and gender-based and sexual violence

Following the announcement of the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Mrs Frédérique VIDAL, during the colloquium of 4 December 2017 concerning the creation of a listening unit in each university by the start of the 2018 academic year, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour has equipped itself with the human and material resources to respond to this request.
UPPA has a duty towards the public it welcomes and its employees to inform them of what sexual harassment, sexist and sexual violence and rape are, but also to offer them a service capable of receiving, listening to, accompanying and helping people who are victims or witnesses of such situations in order to alert and act so that such situations cease.
How to report suspected sexual harassment?
Through the Fiche alerte (pdf - 106 Ko) and its mode d'emploi (pdf - 124Ko)
This form must be sent either :
- By e-mail: signalement @
- By mail to be handed in or sent (with the mention "confidential"): Service Médico Psycho Social et Prévention, BP 576, Bâtiment Présidence, 64012 PAU Cedex
What does UPPA propose to do about this type of harassment and violence?
Whether you are a student or a staff member of UPPA, two services composed of doctors, nurses, psychologists or social service assistants are at your disposal:
- For students: the Espace Santé Etudiant (ESE)
- For staff: the Service médico psycho social et prévention (MPSP)
If you are a victim or witness of sexual harassment, sexist or sexual violence, rape or attempted rape within UPPA, you can contact the harassment unit by sending an alert form in one of the three following ways:
- By e-mail: signalement @
- By post, under confidential cover: Service médico psycho social et prévention, BP 576, Bâtiment Présidence, 64012 PAU Cedex
- By going to the Medical, Psychosocial and Prevention Service on the ground floor of the Presidency Building, opposite the DEVE.
As soon as a report of presumed sexual harassment, sexist or sexual violence or rape is made, a member of the unit will contact you to offer you an appointment in a neutral and confidential place.
What happens after a report?
Following this interview, the professionals of these two services may refer the matter to the Sexual Harassment Intervention Committee (CIHS) when the situation requires it.
The members of the CIHS meet to provide specific support to victims or witnesses, but also to discuss potential disciplinary or criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of these prohibited acts.
The Sexual Harassment Intervention Committee is placed under the authority of the President of UPPA.
It is composed of :
- the vice-president of the board of directors
- the Director General of Services
- the person in charge of mediation within the university
- the director of human resources
- the director of legal affairs
- the prevention adviser
- the risk prevention coordinator
- the occupational physician
- the clinical psychologist
- the social service assistant
- the Espace Santé Étudiant's managing doctor (each time a situation involving a student is treated)
- another professional from the Espace Santé Étudiant if necessary (doctor, nurse, psychologist, social service assistant each time a situation involving a student is dealt with)
- the student vice-president (each time a situation involving a student is dealt with)
The composition may be completed according to the expertise required to deal with the situations.
What is meant by sexual harassment, gender-based violence and rape?
Definition of sexual harassment
Sexual harassment, as well as the penalties incurred, are defined by Article 222-33 of the French Criminal Code, Article L.1153-1 of the French Labour Code and Article 6 ter of French Law No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983. Sexual harassment is an offence punishable by 2 years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros. 45,000 fine when the acts are committed by a superior, on a minor of 15 years of age or less, on a vulnerable person, or by several persons.
Article 6 ter of Law No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983, on the rights and obligations of civil servants, was amended by the French Law of 6 August 2012, and defines sexual harassment as follows:
« Le fait d’imposer, de façon répétée, des propos ou comportements à connotation sexuelle qui portent atteinte à la dignité en raison de leur caractère dégradant ou humiliant, ou créent une situation intimidante, hostile ou offensante ». Par exemple : Propos ou écrits sexistes ou obscènes, gestes déplacés, provocation, injures, envoi d’images à caractère pornographique ».
« Le fait, même non répété, d’user de pression grave dans le but réel ou apparent d’obtenir un acte de nature sexuelle, que celui-ci soit recherché au profit de l’auteur des faits ou au profit d’un tiers. Par exemple : chantage sexuel, sollicitation d’acte sexuel en contrepartie d’une embauche. ».
Definition of gender-based and sexual violence, rape
Sexual assault is defined by Article 222-22 of the French Penal Code as follows: « constitue une agression sexuelle toute atteinte sexuelle commise avec violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise ». This can include touching, caressing of a sexual nature, etc. A certain number of aggravating circumstances are provided for by the law, such as abuse of the authority conferred on the perpetrator by his or her duties (art. 222-28 al. 3 of the French Penal Code).
Rape is defined by Article 222-23 of the French Penal Code: « tout acte de pénétration sexuelle, de quelque nature qu’il soit, commis sur la personne d’autrui par violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise est un viol. Le viol est puni de quinze ans de réclusion criminelle ».
Sexual exhibition is defined by Article 222-32 of the French Penal Code: "Imposée à la vue d’autrui dans un lieu accessible aux regards du public".
Sexist insult is defined by Article 621-1 of the French Penal Code: " le fait d’imposer à toute personne tout propos ou comportement à connotation sexuelle ou sexiste qui soit porte atteinte à sa dignité en raison de son caractère dégradant ou humiliant, soit créé à son encontre une situation intimidante, hostile ou offensante.
Il peut s’agir de sifflements, de gestes et/ou de bruits obscènes (par exemple en suggérant ou en imitant un acte sexuel) des propositions sexuelles ou des questions intrusives sur la vie sexuelle, des commentaires dégradants sur le physique ou la tenue vestimentaire ou encore de suivre une personne de manière insistante dans la rue".
Pornographic display is defined by Article 624-2 of the French Penal Code as the dissemination on the public highway or in public places of messages contrary to decency.
Videos (french version)
- Consentement tasse de thé : - Viols – Femmes - Informations :
Links & phones
At national level :
- Government websites on violence
- the FNCIDFF national website (French National Federation of Information Centres on Women's and Family Rights)
→ branch in each department - the CLASCHES website (Collectif de lutte antisexiste contre le harcèlement sexuel dans l’enseignement supérieur)
- 3919, a free, specialised telephone number for women victims of violence, which guarantees your anonymity and is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm
- 114, the emergency number for the deaf and hard of hearing.
- 116 006, a telephone number for victims of assault, theft, burglary, physical or sexual violence, harassment, cyber-violence or other offences (accessible 7 days a week)
- 17, the emergency number for contacting the police
At the local level :
- L'association du Côté des Femmes , establishment and services dedicated to women victims of domestic violence and their children
Tel : 05 59 06 87 70
60 Rue du 14 Juillet, 64000 PAU - L'APAVIM (Association Pyrénéenne d’Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation)
Tel : 05 59 27 91 23
Villa Bois Louis, Stade Tissié, Avenue Gaston Lacoste 64000 PAU. - Pau police station
Tel : 05 59 98 22 64
5 Rue O’Quin 64000 PAU. - The association ACJPB (Association Citoyenneté-Justice Pays Basque)
Tel : 28
Rue Lormand 64100 BAYONNE - ADAVEM40 (Association Départementale d’Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation des Landes )
Tel :
15 Avenue Henri Farbos 40000 MONT DE MARSAN - France Victimes 65
Tel :
2 bis Rue André Fourcade 65000 TARBES