Selective sortingFor a "Zero Waste Campus
UPPA is implementing a new selective sorting protocol on the Pau campus, in accordance with its UnisVerts5Cités green plan (Towards an Eco-citizen University), which aims to include the institution in a University Social Responsibility approach.
This action is part of a three-stage "Zero Waste Campus" strategy:
- waste reduction,
- political will for adequate sorting,
- use of recyclable solutions.
« The implementation of this first stage requires the participation of all users of the Palois site, permanent staff and students, and its success depends on all of us!»
Eric Schall, Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Officer
What is changing on the Pau site
Since July 2021, UPPA has been implementing selective sorting on its Pau site. The waste collected will be weighed at the sorting centre before being transferred to recycling channels, primarily in France.
Since the start of the 2021 academic year, in addition to cardboard, UPPA has been offering separate collection of the 3 main waste streams:
- aluminium cans
- cardboard cups,
- plastic bottles.
Elise Actes Atlantique, an adapted company* partner of the university, is in charge of the collection and processing of this waste. The collection and processing of paper waste is handled by the company Paprec.
* An adapted company is a company subject to the provisions of the Labour Code, which has the specificity of employing at least 55% of disabled workers among its production staff. These workers are recruited from among the unemployed who are furthest from the labour market.
Implementing new practices at all sites
Selective sorting is first and foremost a personal initiative: the collection of waste in selective sorting only works if everyone pays particular attention to the waste they produce. The involvement of everyone is therefore essential to the success of this project.
To facilitate selective sorting, building containers are gradually being made available to the colleges and services on all sites by the Logistics Department. They are intended to facilitate and organise the deposit of waste in dedicated bins.
For paper collection
Care must be taken when collecting paper when it is deposited in the container: only "dry" paper (non-wet, without any traces of dirt) is accepted. Greasy paper (sandwiches), wet paper and hygiene paper (hand towels, handkerchiefs, paper towels) should be disposed of in the household waste bin.