Supporting students with disabilities

Supporting students with disabilities

01 Supporting students with disabilities
01 Supporting students with disabilities

To ensure follow-up and support for students with disabilities, UPPA brings together experts in their respective fields: psychological support, medical information, help in finding internships, assistance with professional integration, information on sports activities, etc.

This is reflected in the presence of a team on the campuses of Pau, Bayonne and Mont de Marsan, made up of staff from Mission Handicap, doctors and staff from SUMPPS, social workers from the university or CLOUS, the educational and administrative managers of the course followed by the student, and members of associations.

The role of Mission Handicap

  • to welcome and support disabled students in the pursuit of their higher education studies and towards their professional integration (human, technical or relational assistance, etc.)
  • implement national or regional measures (University-Disability Charter, partnership agreement with the MDPH, etc.)
  • coordinate all actions relating to the issue of disability (support for disabled students and staff, participation in disability-related events, setting up partnerships to develop professional projects and access to employment, raising awareness of the university community, etc.)

Policy Officer for Students with Disabilities


ENSGTI Rue Jules Ferry
64000 Pau
Tél : +335 59 40 78 12

Responsible for welcoming and supporting students with disabilities

Sophie Perret
Assistant to the UPPA Disability Officer