UPPA Celebrates the Perpetuation of its I-SITE Label
6 Jul 2022

On July 6, 2022, the staff of the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) were invited to an informative and festive moment, which took place in the morning in Pau and the afternoon in Anglet. They were given the opportunity to have an overview of the whole I-SITE project and its achievements.
The UPPA had indeed received from the government, in March 2022, the announcement of the perpetuation of its label of excellence “Initiative Science, Innovation, Territory, Economy” (I-SITE), after 5 years of probationary period. This success, the result of everyone’s mobilization and commitment, was a reward for the work carried out as part of the deployment of the E2S project - Solutions for Energy and the Environment.
The celebration opened with the broadcasting of the recent video on the UPPA values:
Words from the President of UPPA and the Executive Director of the I-SITE
As a preamble, Laurent Bordes, president of the university, underlined that the E2S project is deployed over 10 years and that we are therefore at the halfway point; that UPPA is not making this journey alone but with many partners, in particular the national research organizations CNRS, INRAe and Inria; and that a real transformation has taken place within the university since its launch.
He also recalled the four pillars of the project:
- To become an international reference, attractive in terms of research;
- To be a player in the diversity and socio-economic vitality of the region;
- Attracting international talents with high-level graduate programs;
- Develop an organizational model for a dynamic of excellence.
The I-SITE, which will be evaluated again in five years by the French Agency of Research, must now involve the entire university in all disciplinary sectors, whether in training or research, with projects of excellence that fall within the five interdisciplinary missions that today form the signature of the institution.
The intensity of the partnership with the socio-economic world must be further increased, as well as international exchanges (cross-border, Europe and target universities). UPPA is fortunate to already be part of a European alliance, Unita - Universitas Montium.
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Executive Director of E2S, wished to remember the words of the international jury: “UPPA has, in an ordinary framework, done extraordinary things.” He then praised the important collective effort, the spirit of openness and the adaptation of everyone. “This result belongs to everyone at the university.”
Three round tables allowed several staff, students and partners to present some of the concrete achievements of the I-SITE.
Round Table #1 - The Excellence of our Students
Attracting international talent through a top-notch master’s and doctoral program
ANGLET (photo) |
Internationalization of educational programs and Talents' Academy |
Sonia Valencia Nagel (student), Claire Harai (International Welcome Desk) |
Eliane Sbrugnera (chargée de mission formation), Caroline Hanin (International Welcome Desk) Sonia Valencia Nagel (student) |
Teaching Innovation |
Laurent Lanceleur (Microplastiques) |
Start-up and student entrepreneurship |
Sylvain Bérail (Advanced Isotopic Analysis), |
Jérémy Pele (E-Taranis) |
Round Table #2 - The New Administrative Organization of the University
Establishing a new organization for a strategy of excellence
ANGLET (photo) |
The 3 Colleges (Social Sciences and Humanities, Sciences and Technologies for Energy and the Environment, European and International Studies) |
Serge Rey (SSH), Hervé Carrier (STEE), Isabelle Le Hécho (UPPA Tech) |
Isabelle Leroux (STEE) Gisèle Mendy-Bilek (EEI), Pierre-Yves Ardoy (SSH) |
Shared Services Centers (CSP) : Digital, Research |
Pierre Dibon, Sophie Hontebeyrie |
Pierre Dibon, Sophie Hontebeyrie |
Clusters and new services |
Laure Tastet (UPPA Entreprises, Alumni) |
Marie-Pierre Bertin (Steering, Self-evaluation and Continuous Improvement Department - DPAAC) |
Round Table #3 - The Social Responsibility of the University
Being an actor of the socio-economic vitality of the territory
ANGLET (photo) |
Excellence in research for society's benefit |
Lise Desvallées, Laurent Billon, Laurent Pécastaing |
Florian Beaumatin, Susana Fernandes, Fabrice Riem |
Open campuses / Partnership |
Teréga : Patrick Mathieu |
CAPB : Jean-Pierre Laflaquière, SUEZ Rivages Pro Tech : Matthias Delpey |
Future Administrative Changes
The new governance of the I-SITE was integrated into the UPPA statutes on April 22, 2022, with the creation of a vice-presidency E2S - Major Projects.
Two new administrative departments will be progressively set up from September 2022: the Major Projects Department and the Partnership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department (DPIE).
Discover the 20-page booklet published to mark the occasion (in French):
Watch the video of the celebration of the I-SITE in Pau (in French only, reserved for authenticated users):
Watch the video of the tribute to Mohamed Amara (in French only, reserved for authenticated users) :