Training and University Life Committee

Chaired by the Vice-President for Training and University Life, the Training and University Life Commission of the Academic Council is consulted on the training programmes of the components.
The Training and University Life Commission - Commission Formation et Vie Universitaire (CFVU) - is composed of 32 members elected for 4 years:
- 12 representatives of teaching and research staff and similar staff,
- 12 representatives of students and people benefiting from continuing education,
- 4 engineers, administrative, technical and library staff,
- 4 external personalities.
The CFVU is the guarantor of students' political and trade union freedoms, and is consulted on:
- The distribution of the budget for training as allocated by the Board of Directors and subject to compliance with the strategic framework for its distribution, as defined by the Board of Directors;
- The rules relating to examinations;
- Rules for the evaluation of teaching;
- Measures to ensure the success of the greatest number of students;
- Measures to enable the implementation of student orientation and the validation of prior learning, to facilitate their entry into working life and to encourage cultural, sporting, social or associative activities offered to students, as well as measures to improve living and working conditions, in particular measures relating to support activities, university and school works, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centres and access to digital resources;
- Measures aimed at promoting and developing interactions between science and society, initiated and led by students or teacher-researchers, both within the institution and in the region where the institution is located;
- Measures necessary for the reception and success of students with disabilities or disabling health problems, in accordance with the obligations incumbent on higher education institutions under article L. 123-4-2[fr].